Infographic of the week: How to turn your SEO traffic into customers.

Easy ways to turn your SEO traffic into customers

Trying to keep up with the ever-changing Google’s algorithm can be daunting. It is extremely hard to master the art of SEO to get your name on the top of Google’s search results.

Let’s assume that you are using PPC ads to appear on the first few pages. Good for you.

Now you think you can just sit back and wait till new customers call / email you. Sounds like a logical thing to do. You have put quite an effort on catching up with Google’s algorithm. All the time dedicated to finding the most competitive keywords, analyses and high quality content creation is finally paying off.

But – let’s face it – you can still lose your potential customers.

You might not even hear from those who have actually visited your website. Despite what your Google analytic says about how many people visited your website, web leads don’t always turn into actual customers.

Why’s that?

We can think a couple of reasons why your leads haven’t turned into sales, such as;

  • An obsolete web design,
  • Badly structured content,
  • No clear call-to-action or
  • Uncompetitive price range.

Apart from the product price, there must be some ways to prevent the viewers from leaving your website after the first click.

This infographic by Reach Local highlights the simple – and easily fixable points.

  • ‘Outdated and distracting’ web design or insufficient web content can be the foremost reasons why the viewers leave your page.
  • Some functions tend to annoy users – such as a pop-up ads and audio that starts playing as you enter the site.
  • A website with no contact numbers. Without any easy-to-find contact details, your potential customers face a dead-end. There is nowhere to go, leaving them no choice but to return to the search result page. Few people would try to dig deeper into every single page of your website just to find your contact details.

Respond fast

What happens after the users took actions? Say if your call-to-action is to get the visitors sign up for your newsletter. But then that shouldn’t be the end of the story, if you want to take one step further.

Right after they gave their email addresses or phone numbers, why not sending an email to offer them some valuable info or offers? Because it is all about value exchange, isn’t it? Many customers subconsciously expect to gain something in return of giving their contact addresses.

New email address in exchange for coupons, for example, is very common these days.

Social media is another way to both increase your leads and build up your brand personality. The ROI of social media marketing may not be easy to measure. But in the eyes of most customers, it certainly makes some difference between a brand with strong social media presence and a brand without any social media presence.

(Infographic via Entrepreneur)

Today’s SEO landscape is quite complicated. It is almost like an endless battle with Google’s arbitrary algorithm. So the modern SEO practices should go beyond a lovely-looking website to active social media presence. 

What do you think?

Appnova is a digital agency specializing in web design, UX, eCommerce, branding, digital marketing and social media.

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